
There are several areas where you may park when attending performances at the theatre. There is on-street parking in Hanover Street/Gas Street on single yellow lines after 6 pm. Those with blue badges will know they are also able to park on double yellow lines.
Slightly further from the theatre there is the Ashburner Street Market car park, which is just the other side of Moor Lane, and is just £1.80 after 6pm. You may also park for free in the car par behind the fire station. This is only a very short walk away from the theatre.
Each of our auditoria has a designated space for one wheelchair. The Forge auditorium is on the same level as the entrance, bar and toilets, whilst there is platform-lift-assisted access to the main auditorium.
Please contact the theatre by telephone or in person during our box office opening times to book one of these designated spaces. Our accessible toilet is situated just inside the entrance lobby.